Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike...

In the immortal words of Freddie Mercury, I want to ride my bicycle. Wow, 6 miles for my first ride (other than a spinning bike) in fifteen years. It felt great. I do love the feel of my feet hitting the ground when I run, but I felt as if I could go on riding forever. Having clip-in pedals is a little intimidating, so I kept one shoe just resting on the pedal. I'll get there - it's just like riding a bicycle, ha ha.

My upper arms are so sore from yesterday, but in a good way. I did the 5 sets of 8 lowering exercises from the bar in the doorway, but did them very slowly (which is probably how they should be done). I do need to get started on my abs. Ugh! I should photograph myself NOT sucking in my stomach. That'll do it. Of course, I won't be able to sleep then...

Off to hit the shower, as Hailey is out of school at noon today, tomorrow and Friday.


  1. I'm so glad you love your new bike.

    I did a run/walk (still mostly walk) around Reid Park yesterday. It's four miles and I think that's a good solid weekday workout after some time hitting legs and abs at the gym yesterday.

    Arms are today.

    I'm still not sure I can empathize with the phrase "I do love the feel of my feet hitting the ground" that part is still painful to me. Getting less and less so, but still not something I feel any great enthusiasm about.

    I have heard that once people get used to the clippy shoes, they swear by them.
    You know me and bikes -- anything like that spells certain death, so I will stick with my run/walk ing. :)

  2. I was so nervous at first. I was sure that I would trash the bike and myself in one absurdly clumsy moment. Luckily that didn't happen. I did have an epiphany the other day, however. I will 'splain on my next post.
