Monday, October 8, 2012

Haven't had time to post -- and have gained 5 lbs.

This past couple of weeks has been so busy and I'm not going to lie.  I'm feeling discouraged.

I don't usually lose weight when I strength train and I wasn't expecting to, but I wasn't expecting to gain.  I haven't gained inches (been measuring)  but I have gained lbs and even though I know it's probably not a bad thing at all, seeing the needle on the scale go UP instead of down has me feeling discouraged.

On top of that, the more I work out, the more my shoulder hurts.  A year or so ago, I was on a trip to New York for business and had to run to catch a flight while carrying a very heavy laptop case.  During that jog, the case yanked hard on my shoulder and I felt a popping tearing sensation and my shoulder was sore for a day or two.
Perhaps I don't actually know the difference between "not a big deal" pain and "hmmm think I might have damaged something" pain . . . but I'm suspecting that I actually damaged my shoulder at that point.

Anyway, since I've been using it more and challenging it more it's been, well, a pain.  I'm going to go to the doctor to get it checked out to see if I actually do (as I suspect) have some rotator cuff damage.

On the "Up" side -- there is a groupon this week for bootcamp classes that are being held at a park close to my house.  I think I'm going to sign up.  Their focus is interval training and that is supposed to be very good for strength and endurance training.  I've always wanted to do one of those "exercise in the park classes (although in my mind it was something relaxing like yoga) so I may give this a try.  It's cheap.  Nothing to lose really.

So that's where I am on this stuff.  Feeling down in the dumps and kind of crappy.  I'm sure it'll get better, and I'm sure once the doctor can tell me what is wrong with my shoulder and can do something that helps it feel better I'm sure I'll feel a lot better.

We can do this.  I know we can -- but I haven't been feeling on top of the world recently.

In other news -- we have made a lot of progress on the guest room renovations so when you get here, your fit self can work out with my flabby self and motivate me.  :)


  1. The funny part is that everyone is watching me carefully to see if my back gives me problems.

    My back is holding up like a champ (ok, it spasms now and again, but it does that anyway so same stuff different day).
    The discouraging part is knowing that my back is just fine -- but my shoulder is betraying me.

  2. First, you know that muscle weighs more than fat. I know how disappointing it is when you hop on the scale and are slammed with the news that you've gained weight and there was no lobster/caviar/chocolate ooze cake to make it worth it. This run is worth it, though, because it shows what two strong women can do - even if we can't finish. We tried, which is SO MUCH MORE than anyone else is doing. Don't forget that. These are serious obstacles and we are training alone.

    As for your shoulder, yes - there probably is some damage. Physical therapy could help. Please let me know what the doctor says.

    Bootcamp will be great There's one in our local park that's free (yay), but Fred wants to go riding on Sunday mornings. I'm so afraid of those pedals that it's not easy working up enthusiasm. He also likes to ride much faster than I do. I like a 5 minute mile at best, and he likes it to be in the 3.5 minute mile range. I'll stick with it, but a friend of mine (and triathlete success story as of last week) just bought a bike - a very expensive Italian bike. She put regular pedals on it, and told both of us that she fell every time she tried to ride with clip-in shoes. I wish i could just try them. I don't need to climb hills right now - I just need to not be scared.

    I am so excited about seeing you. I hope you know how much I value our friendship. You're such a gift - and you are not flabby. We will work out, and have an amazing weekend. Love you.
